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День любви и дружбы на ФМП

18 февраля на факультете мировой политики МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова состоялся праздник «День любви и дружбы». Организаторами мероприятия выступили студенты 2 курса и преподаватели секции английского языка кафедры межкультурных коммуникаций ФМП.

По словам участников события, скучать и унывать было некогда! «День любви и дружбы» предоставил прекрасную возможность не только интересно провести время, но и поделиться чувствами со вторыми половинками, завести новых друзей и даже выразить уважение и  признательность любимым преподавателям.

В рамках мероприятия на факультете мировой политики работала курьерская служба «Почта Купидона». Члены организационного комитета подготовили специальные открытки и установили почтовый ящик, чтобы позволить учащимся донести свои эмоции до близких людей и поздравить их с праздником.

Почтальоны были крайне удивлены воодушевлению, с которым студенты подписывали друг другу «валентинки». Их оказалось так много, что разносить пришлось и в последующие дни!

Приятно порадовали и сами преподаватели. Пожалуй, такого рвения отправить открытки с пожеланиями не было ни у кого! Нет сомнения, «День любви и дружбы» вовлек весь факультет в водоворот приятных чувств.

Организационный комитет был польщен активной деятельностью сотрудников и студентов ФМП. Заряд положительных эмоций, огоньки в глазах и лестные отзывы...Что еще может быть лучшим показателем оценки качества выполненной работы!? Наши почтальоны надеются: «День любви и дружбы» надолго останется в памяти участников события и, возможно, станет прекрасной традицией на ФМП.

Студенческое сообщество и преподавательский состав ФМП рассчитывают, что в будущем подобные мероприятия будут проходить на факультете как можно чаще, ведь они оставляют теплые воспоминания об учебе на ФМП, украшают жизнь и делают нас всех ближе. 

Текст составила: Карнаухова Елена, ответственный секретарь Студенческого совета ФМП, 201 группа ФМП МГУ 


According to the participants of the event, there was no time to be bored and depressed! “Day of Love and Friendship” gave a wonderful chance to have marvellous pastime, share feelings and make new friends. Moreover, students were enabled to express the words of respect and gratitude to their most favourite tutors.

Within the festival, all mailing activities were run by the School of World Politics Mail Service “Cupid's Post”.  The members of organisational committee designed special greeting cards and established a pillar box to let students convey emotions to friends and congratulate them on the occasion.

The enthusiasm of students made impression on the Cupid's Postmen. So did professors who had an insatiable desire for sending valentines to each other. There is no doubt, with a source of inspiration to become, “Day of Love and Friendship” drew the whole faculty into whirlpool of feelings.

The organisational committee were really pleased by the eager activity of students and staffers of School of World Politics to be full of joy and spring during the whole day. Positive emotions, sparks in the eyes and rave reviews...What else can be the best indicator of assessing the quality of the work performed. Now let's turn to their impressions!


  • Danila Kolesov (the member of organisational committee)

    It was not easy to arrange it but that was worth it. The event was great and impressive and gave me a lot of experience how to run and arrange the holidays.

  • Anastasiya Bogacheva (the member of organisational committee)

     More and more often we do not have enough time to tell somebody whom we hold dear how important he or she is. Such special days give us an extra opportunity to do it. That's why I liked most of all the idea of Day of Love and Friendship and, of course, was happy to take part in arranging this small holiday.

  • Maria Oluhova (the member of organisational committee)

      I am delighted that I was the organizer! The holiday was celebrated in a pleasant atmosphere! And we had a close-knit team, ready to help each other. Not only did we gain invaluable experience in arranging events, but also had a great time.

  • Maria Shishova

     Day of Love and Friendship was organized very well due to amazing work of our teachers and students. They brought an incredible atmosphere to our daily routine and let us stay in a great mood for the whole day!

  • Saleh Seyidli

    Day of Love and Friendship was amazing! It was really fun to send and receive valentines. That celebration made our daily student life  more interesting. I hope we will have more days like that in the future.

  • Anastasiya Zhenina

   Day of Love and Friendship brought me so many positive emotions. This festival gave us an opportunity to share good mood with each other and enjoy  friendly atmosphere. I would like to say a word of thanks to all who has been involved in organization for being so initiative and responsible.

  • Anna Pautova

    On Thursday we celebrated Day of Love and Friendship. It was well-organized. It was a great opportunity to express our feelings. It strengthened relations not only within the group, but also on the course. Thank you very much, organizers!

Cupid's Postmen express hope that “Day of Love and Friendship” will be imprinted in the memory of participants for a great while and become an excellent tradition on SWP.


Let such festivals be held more often as they take our breath away, make our education process more colorful and leave warm memories! 

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