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The Great Britain's straight investment in the development of Nigeria’s (and Tanzania's, Senegal's) mineral-raw materials

Pryamye investitsii i drugie formy uchastiya Velikobritanii v razvitii mineral'no-syr'evogo kompleksa Nigerii, Tanzanii, Senegala [Straight investment and other forms of the United Kingdom’s participation in the development of Nigeria’s (and Tanzania's, Senegal's) mineral-raw materials]. Afrika: puti modernizatsii ekonomiki. Otv. red. E.V.Morozenskaya, M., Institute of Africa. Russian Academy of Science. 2014. 275 pp. 

David Cameron's politics in the Middle East and Africa

Pozitsii pravitel'stva D. Kemerona popovodu nestabil'nosti na Blizhnem Vostoke i v Afrike [D. Cameron’s government positions on unstable situations in the Middle East and Africa] Velikobritaniya v preddverii vseobshchikh parlamentskikh vyborov-2015. Doklady Instituta Evropy № 309. M., In-t Evropy RAN, 2014. 142 pp. Pp. 111-127. (In Russ.)  

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