Инструменты доступности


Global government

Global'noe upravlenie kak sredstvo kommunikatsii v mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniyakh, vozmozhnosti i riski [Global government as an instrument of communication in international relations: challenges and risks] // Dialog kul'tur: tsennosti, smysly, kommunikatsii. XIII Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie nauchnye chteniya. XIII Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskienauchnyechteniya. SPBGUP Sankt-Peterburg. 2013. Pp. 63–66. (In Russ.) 

‘Traditional donors' VS BRICS

‘Traditional donors' VS BRICS:  divergence of cooperation’s models in the aim of development. Competition and Conflict in the World Economy and Politics. IMEMO’s series of Global Development. 2013. P. 78-86 (In Russ.)


BRICS, Africa and the EU

BRIKS v Afrike v konteksteinteresov EC [BRIСS in Africa through the EU’s interests] BRIKS – Afrika:partnerstvo i vzaimodeistvie. Otv. red. T.L.Deich, E.N.Korendyasov. M., In-t Afriki RAN. 2013. Pp. 271-288. (In Russ.)

Russia’s interests in the summit Group 20 (Saint-Petersburg)

Dolgosrochnye izmeneniya v sisteme mirovoi politiki i interesy Rossii v svete Sankt-Peterburgskogo sammita "Gruppy dvadtsati": Analiticheskii doklad Rabochei gruppy pod rukovodstvom akademika RAN, 6-go sekretarya Soveta bezopasnosti RF A.A.Kokoshina [Long-term changes in the World politics system and Russia’s interests in the summit Group 20 (Saint-Petersburg)] / A. Kokoshin, A. Torkunov, L. Anosovai dr.  LENAND Moskva. 2013. 48 pp.  (In this reportBartenev V. and Gromyko An.A. have participated as contributors) (In Russ.)     

BRICS in Africa

BRIKS v Afrike: sopernichestvo ili sotrudnichestvo s ES? [BRICS in Africa: rivalry or cooperation with the E.U.?] BRIKS i Afrika: sotrudnechstvo v tselyakh razvitiya. Moskva, 15 maya 2013 g. Gl.red. G.D. Toloraya. M., Natsional'nyi komitet po issledovaniyu BRIKS, Rossiiskii Universitet druzhby narodov. 2013. Pp. 58-61. (In Russ.)   

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