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The Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation 2005-2008

The Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation 2005-2008

In recent years, international development cooperation has become increasingly importance, in the context of evergreater involvement by societies and governments, inspired by a universally held ethical imperative, namely to eradicate poverty.

In the last decade, moreover, and continuing the line of the summit meetings held by the United Nations in this time, the identification between international cooperation and aid has been progressively replaced by the concept of an individual and collective right to development embodying, as well as civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights. Furthermore, the need has been recognised to guarantee the provision of what are termed ‘global public goods’, such as peace, freedom and environmental quality. The commitment to sustainable human development has to be addressed in terms of well-designed financial and technical contributions, in order to make effective progress in reducing poverty. The definition of the minimum objectives and the discussion of the most suitable funding mechanisms and the amount to be contributed, together with coherence with other public policies, such as on trade, affecting development, make up the heart of the debate currently being held in the international community. This set of elements is totally consistent with the deliberations on the Millennium Declaration and the review of it to be made after five years, which will conclude in the September 2005 UN General Assembly Session.

In this international framework, public policy on development cooperation is an essential element of the foreign activity of the Spanish Government. Its main goal, the fight against poverty, is contemplated not only as the need to overcome the absence of minimal income levels, but also as the need to enhance the rights, opportunities and capabilities of the planet’s less favoured population. The aim of this policy and the special vulnerability of its intended beneficiaries make it advisable to establish a State policy, founded on broad-based consensus. 

Дополнительная информация
  • Country: Spain
  • Authority/Function: Foreign Affairs
  • Document type: Plan/Program
  • Year: 2004
  • Language: English
  • Number of pages: 123