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XII RISA Convention: International Assistance as a Factor in Ensuring Security and Development in the XXI century

On October 22, 2019, the CSDS organized the Section "International Assistance as a Factor in Ensuring Security and Development in the XXI century" in partnership with the Russian Association of International Development Assistance Experts (RAIDAE) within the XII Convention of the Russian International Studies Association at MGIMO University.


The event brought together the experts from the School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian International Affairs Council and the representatives of World Bank.

The section was divided into two sessions «Such Different Donors, Or Current Trends in the International Aid Architecture» and «International Assistance through the Lens of Security – Development Nexus». Each session consisted of the following thematic panels combining presentations on
similar topics:

1 Foreign Assistance as a Foreign Policy Tool: Motives and Narratives
2 National Management Systems of International Development Cooperation: Common Features and Particularities
3 Sub-Saharan Africa as a Zone of Competition Between 'Tradititional' and 'Emerging' Donors
4 Security – Development Linkages in the Policies of National and Multilateral Financial Institutions
5 Dividends and Risks of International Assistance in the Zones of Turbulence
Through the Eyes of Donors and Recipients: The Case of the Middle East.

The last thematic panel combined several presentations based on on the research accomplished with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant #17-37-01018-OGN) within the project ‘’Dillemmas of trengthening State Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa in the Context of New Threats to Peace, Security and Regional Stability.

XII Risa Convention Programme: https://mgimo.ru/upload/2019/…/xii-risa-convent_prog_eng.pdf

Photoalbum on Flickr

International assistance as a factor in ensuring security and development in the XXI century

PhD, the CSDS Director, Associate Professor at the Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes at the School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University