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Counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seeking a Holistic Approach

Counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seeking a Holistic Approach

On April 27, 2016 the Center for Security and Development Studies (CSDS) held a round table discussion ''Counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seeking a Holistic Approach'' under the aegis of Section of International Relations of a traditional academic conference ‘Lomonosov-2016’. The debate involved experts from the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Science (IMEMO RAS), Institute of African Studies, Russian Academy of Science (IA RAS), and the CSDS.

The panel included: 

Vladimir Bartenev – PhD, the CSDS Director, Deputy Dean for Research at the School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University 

Eugene Korendyasov – PhD, Extraodinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Head of the Centre for the Study of the Russian-African Relations and African States' Foreign Policy, Institute of African Studies, Russian Academy of Science (IA RAS) 

Eleonora Lebedeva – PhD, Leading Research Fellow of the Section for Political and Culturological analysis, the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Science (IMEMO RAS)

Sergey Kostelyanets – PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for North African and African Horn Studies, Institute of African Studies, Institute of African Studies, Russian Academy of Science (IA RAS)

Olga Kulkova - PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for the Study of the Russian-African Relations and African States' Foreign Policy, Institute of African Studies, Russian Academy of Science (IA RAS), the CSDS Research Fellow

Philipp Trunov - Lecturer at the Chair of International Security, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the CSDS Research Fellow

Altunay Aliyeva – Lecturer at the Chair of International Security, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the CSDS Research Fellow

Luiza Khlebnikova – Lecturer at the Chair of International Security, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the CSDS Research Fellow.


PhD, the CSDS Director, Associate Professor at the Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes at the School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University