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''Security-development'' nexus: EU and African states

''Security-development'' nexus: EU and African states

The article gives a brief overview of a range of the EU initiatives in the field of assistance to African development and provision of security on the African continent in the 2000-2010-s. The author’s analysis of the documents adopted by the EU in 2000-2010-s concerning the security-development nexus and of the practical steps of the EU structures in these areas in Africa made it possible to identify the new aspects of the EU political discourse on these issues. The evaluation is given of the new EU approaches to the prevention and resolution of African conflicts, to the problems of peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction, the reform of the European system of aid to the African development. The evolution of the EU’s approach to the regulation of migration from the African continent is shown, especially in light of the migration crisis in EU in 2015

PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences