Инструменты доступности

The US and Coup d'Etat in Guatemala (1954)

USA and Coup d'Etat 1954 in Guatemala. Diplomatic service. 2015. №6. С. 51-69

The article analyzes the complex of reasons and motives which caused Washington to initiate the secret operation to overthrow the legally elected president of Guatemala H. Arbenz. On the base of recently declassifi ed and published documents of the CIA, Department of State, and the US administration, the author proves that the coup d’etat of 1954 is a bright example of how in conditions of growing confrontation of the ''cold war'' any confl ict was perceived in Washington as an unacceptable change in the power correlation of not a local and even not a regional but of global character.

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of International Organizations and World Political Process, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University