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USAID and Leaders of National Foreign Aid Industry

USAID and Leaders of National Foreign Aid Industry. USA – Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture. 2022, no.4, pp.60-77
The paper examines an interaction between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the leaders of American foreign aid industry. First section identifies the determinants of an emergence and an evolution of the unique model of symbiotic relationship over 1990-2000s and its main deficiencies. Next two sections compare the most illustrative attempts to weaken this multidimensional interdependence undertaken under the Obama and the Biden administrations within their campaigns for localization of international development. They reveal the commonalities between the initiatives of the incumbent USAID administrator Samantha Power and of Rajiv Shah, one of her predecessors, as well as their main differences, which underscore the intent of the current Agency's leadership to draw the lessons from the past miscalculations but do not guarantee success of its quest for an alternative model.